Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Causes of Unproductive Life Part- 2/2

Click here to read PART 1 

"Passion is all about the authenticity of the self. To know what your passion is, this is something that you partially discovery and partially create. Problem is you don't have the sense of identity right now, you don't know who you are because if you knew that, your passion would be glaringly obvious to you."  Leo Gura

THIS IS THE MAIN TOPIC continuing from previous post and here comes the role of spirituality. Since spirituality is the process of transformation, of growth, the awakening of the self, It helps you in every situation of your life.

To know your passion is all about knowing your inner self because passion is something you want to do, you love to do because you find a cause and a meaning in something so no one can tell you what your passion is. Here I am telling you a few tips on how you can find your passion. It is obviously not the easy task nor the short one. It may take a few days to a few years too. 
  1. To know your passion, you have to explore yourself. For that, Meditation is one of the best things you must do regularly. You also need to get out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you. Experience new things, sports, games, fields, hobbies and see what it is that resonates with you. what it is that attracts you, what it is that makes sense to you, that in which you feel worth putting your time and energy for the rest of your life.
  2. It is important to understand that passion can be anything as long as it is productive, benefic, growthful or not harmful in any manner. You also have to understand the difference between your hobbies and passion. If you find out that you love morning walks, that can't be your passion, however, why you love morning walks? perhaps you love to stay fit and healthy? Love the peace of time spent with the self? So that can be your passion, to be healthy and spread health. To be peaceful, and enjoy the lifestyle, spirituality, yoga, meditation etc. Keep in mind that your passion should be something that can help you make your life productive and growthful. There can be more that one thing that you can be passionate about. It can be management, food, software, and computers or anything.
  3. Take your time, don't rush, handle one thing at a time and use the method of objective introspection i.e talk yourself out to you. Look inside and try to understand what and whys of what you want.
I am not going to stretch this topic any further so let's talk quickly about goals.

GOALS: Once you know what your passion is, you can choose your own self what should be your goal. love what you do, do what you love, in a rightful, planned manner. Take and ask all the help you can, put all the right smart efforts and most importantly have knowledge of things that can help you grow and spread your passion towards your goals and success.

I will make another post specifically about Goals and how to make and achieve them, as it is a big topic.

4: Lack of desire to put effort into self-development:

There are many times when we don't have the required motivation or will do improve ourselves. Laziness, confusion of what and how to do, fear that I just cannot do it, fear of failuer, too tired to this work, I just don't care about it type of attitude, too old or too late to begin are some of the mindsets that leads to the lack of desire to put efforts and create an unproductive lifestyle. When a person fails to see the importance of investing in itself, by time, energy/ efforts or any means possible to grow more productive, that person will sooner or later feel episodes of worthlessness, being stuck, lack of the sense of achievement, limited in capacity, inferiority and many more psychological issues. The person may also find itself loosing several opportunities due to not having the skill or achievement that the person could have had easily by some investment in itself.
When I say self-development, It is not only spiritual development but overall development. I will further define the self-development of 4 types as follows:
(I will try to keep it short)
1: Physiological: (Body)
Here a person should make sure that proper care is being taken for maintaining a healthy body by giving some time to do exercise, yoga or any fitness related activities. It also means to take care of your bodily needs on time properly. Eating healthy, having good sleep timing, not abusing your body in any manner that may have any negative influence on you or anyone around you in any manner.
The overall idea is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

2: Psychological: (Mind)
Here the wild, negative or unwanted emotions, thoughts are taken care of. Psychological/Mental development is one of the most important factors that govern both your IQ and EQ. Both are important for your survival by a 20:80 ratio. IQ is your intelligence, problem-solving ability, learning skills fast and advancing them, your logic and reasoning, etc. While your EQ is your Emotional Intelligence covering resilience, confidence, Optimism, and overall positive mindset and emotions that help you to deal with the different phases of life effectively. Thus by putting some effort into learning new mental skills (including linguistics, communication, personality development, leadership quality, stress management, good habits like reading, creative arts, etc.) to train your mental self to take the stress of the various life events may come in handy.

3: Spiritual: (Spirit)

 It can simply include every aspect of you. All the things mentioned in physiological, psychological and social development are included in this section however in a more refined, less materialistic and balanced manner. The goal here is to find contentment, freedom from sufferings, wild and negative moods and emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, irritation, frustration, etc. It is more about knowing and transforming yourself into a higher aspect and to do that various spiritual techniques are used such as meditation, contemplation, experiences, etc. The spiritual side can keeps in check the overall aspects of a person. It can greatly affect the physiological, psychological and social aspects too.

4: Social: (Relations and Livelihood)

Here the focus is on making and maintaining good social relations, livelihood and giving your contribution to the people, society, nation or world. The development here focuses on:


*Growing your career in a positive manner, no form of inappropriate work should be chosen as a profession as it will disturb you sooner or later. your work should bring you happiness and should not harm intentionally anyone.

* Developing your relationships into more matured ones. Having understanding, tolerance, patience is exercised. Here relations are more about connections and actions that keep the harmony in your life. Developing communication, building friends and contacts is also an important part because it will greatly help you to provide necessary support in your life wherever needed and possible.
5: Distracted Mind:

It is one of the major causes of most of the problems we face in our lives. From problem in concentration, attention, awareness while working to lack of motivation and dedication, Anxiety, worry, restlessness, mood swings, etc. Problems caused by a distracted mind can be vast depending on the intensity and conditions. For now, I will write in relation to our main topic. A distracted mind can cause a whole lot of unproductivity in your life as follows:

*It won't let you stay dedicated to a single work, destroys concentration, attention and focus on important tasks.

*Fluctuations of thoughts will interfere with your working capacity and mood.

*It will make you feel stressed and restless which will spoil your mood to do anything.

*Promotes procrastination, laziness, stress and negative thoughts.

*Will affect your Memory, Learning, Sleep, decision-making abilities depending on the intensity. 

*Promotes demotivation, hopelessness in some cases.

There are many many more problems that can arise from a distracted mind thus, as problematic as it may sound, it is actually easy to control this problem with a little time and effort and using various meditative techniques and maintaining your habits and lifestyle.  You'll soon find here various techniques and tips to help you with this and all the other problems mentioned in this whole post. I will update the link soon and add it here.

If you have any questions related to this topic, you can ask me and I will answer your queries.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time to read our blog post.
Have a Good Day!
Anup Thakur

Disclaimer: Post does not mean to hurt or harm any group, person, culture, etc. All the content that is written above is a direct knowledge I have obtained through years of Spiritual experience through meditation and other practices including my academic study. All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither I Anup Thakur nor this blog website is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By reading these pieces of advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life! Content is subject to Copyright. © 
I do not own the images used in this post, contact if have any copyright issue.

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