Friday, October 12, 2018

Causes of Unproductive Life PART1/2


This post focuses on how to improve the quality of your life and make it productive and happy.


There are many people who are struggling in their lives. Let's face the truth because as much as many people try to keep themselves engaged in the day to day pursuits of life, there is always some sort of problem trying to strike down the mental peace and happiness. Thus the struggle to constantly feel happy is real.
Due to lack of knowledge and understanding, to overcome boredom and feel a drop of temporary happiness people try to find sources to please their body and mind whether the source is the enormous platform of social media or the destructive and harmful use of substances which becomes addiction.No doubt that a day and many days like this shall pass in such engagement of the life but ask yourself, at the end of the day how productive you were?

Causes of Unproductive Life:

Let me shed some light on a very few of the most common ways people are destroying their productivity of life:
  1. Social Media
  2. Lack of Time management skills, Procrastination, and Laziness
  3. Lack of Passion and Goals
  4. Lack of desire to put effort into self-development
  5. Distracted mind

There are many more other ways like lack of consistent dedication, lack of self-worth, irresponsibility, poor health, lack of willpower and guidance etc but I will only talk about 5 points in this post and further in my next blog post due to my busy schedule.

1Social Media:

 We are very well aware that social media is the largest platform where the whole world spends much of their time. There are two ways to see this situation:

  • Productive use of internet and time for the betterment of life.
  • Use of internet to totally waste the important time of your life scrolling posts, reading memes and posting or removing your stories, posts, statuses, and profiles.   

I am not saying that using social media to chill out is wrong or should be rejected but look at the statistics according to the Times of India:

  • A report reveals that Indians spend almost 70 per cent of the time on apps like Facebook and WhatsApp, and music and entertainment apps
  • On an average, a user in India spends 200 minutes a day on mobile apps, lower than the US average of 300 minutes a day. Source:

I have personally seen and experienced the long run effects of the purposeless excessive use of social media. 70 % of the people's time on Social media and only 30% for living a life, that too not productive for sure. Point is simple, Exchange the situation and give 30% of your time or less to social media and 70% or more for your productive life. How to do that? we will talk about that soon.

2: Lack of Time management skills, Procrastination, and Laziness:

Perhaps you have also faced those lazy moments when you don't want to do anything but simply lay down on the bed the whole day with your smartphones? well, it's the case with many people these days. People lack understanding about how less and valuable the time is in our lives and how to properly utilize the time distribution so that you can finish your important tasks of day to day life, or perhaps give some time for the better things of the life.

Causes of poor Time management skills may be many but we need to know our cause and work on it to change our lifestyle and habits. Now, why don't you know how to manage time?

  • Perhaps you are never told about how to..? 
  • Maybe you are told but fail to manage..? 
  • Maybe you lack the necessary skills and techniques to clearly distribute the time to complete each task and not get confused every now and then about the consistency of our work.  
  • Maybe you easily get distracted and lack will power and dedication?

  • Or maybe you have become lazy? Wait , How do we become lazy? Many problems are interconnected with each other and some of the reasons of your laziness may be: 
  1. Procatination
  2. lack of physical and mental strength and energy leading to exhaustion
  3. Long term denial of your responsibilities, work and efforts
  4. Distracted mind
  5. Lacking will and effort to do any work due to lack of interest
  6. Lacking sense of value and importance of your work in any manner
  7. Lack inspiration, goals/motives and motivation
Reasons may be many, but again the wisdom is in to understand yourself, your flaws and faults and correcting them! That again is a part of the spiritual process of self-growth and development. How to correct these issues will be discussed soon in another post, I'll add the link here as soon as I am finished doing the post about it.

3: Lack of Passion and Goals:

Lack of Passion and Goals is one of the very important points to understand to make your life productive. 

"A person who doesn't know itself deeply, its virtues and strengths, desires, goals, talents, skills, passions in life and its own mind and body, is sure to waste an opportunity to build a qualitatively more better, productive, successful, happy and fulfilled life."AnupThakur
It is important to know all of the above-mentioned things and spirituality can help us greatly!
You must understand Spirituality is a very lengthy process of self-transformation for the betterment of the self and the deep understanding of what we try to call as the self, mainly from inside.  

Here I am not going to talk about knowing yourself but just a fragment of this topic that is to know your goals and passions.  So let's talk about Passion first. 
Passion is the drive, emotional urge with some intensity, your liking or love towards any self-defining activity in which you have, you are or you want to put efforts and time. Passion is a self-defined quality which means you are not dependent on the outside forces to move yourself to work. (Motivate to work) Now you can understand how important it is to have passion in life. A person having no passion lives a life as equal to a machine. 

If I have to go a little deeper, having passion is necessary to achieve success and your goals. A sportsperson practices day and night so that he can win in the Olympics, it is his passion to perform, passion to transform himself into something he wants for himself. Similarly, an entrepreneur or a businessman has a passion for the work he is skilled in, passion for success, passion to achieve something etc. So, you see having a drive that keeps you going on and on towards your goals is important if you want to build your life successful and happy. 

If you do the work you love, you will be happy. If you do the work you love you may or may not be successful is a different thing. This is where the role of passion comes in. Having passion doesn't mean that you simply have to do the work you love and everything will go smoothly for you. Example: I am passionate about learning music, I am learning music, but I am not systematic, have no direction or symmetry, no guidelines and a structure that will take me to grow upwards. I am learning music in a scattered manner, today I want to learn the guitar, next day piano then a flute. This is not going to get me anywhere. THAT IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO CLEARLY UNDERSTAND YOUR PASSIONS. There are many people who are passionate about many things, working their passion out, however, having no good idea of a strategy to turn their passion into their success. As I mentioned earlier, passion is important, but passion may or may not lead to success too. YOUR BODY, MIND / COGNITIONS WORKS TOGETHER IN HARMONY, DEPENDENT AND CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER. Therefore passion alone will not help you but you have to work on other things too that we will discuss soon someday.

There are two categories of passion:
  1. Harmonious passion
  2. Obsessive passion 
1: Harmonious passion is what you need to have in your life, It is the better side of the passion. You have to understand that every quality is only good as long as you are controlling that quality. Once that quality begins to control you, it is an obsession or wildness that will someday lead to the suffering. Harmonious passion is healthy, it gives you a positive outlook and understanding, maturity and the necessary skills to move forward with your passion.

2: Obsessive Passion is something you do not want to have in you. When passion turns into obsession, it only leads to no good. Obsession is propelled by the negative drive to attain and complete the subject of passion however by hook or crook, it often is full of ego, madness, lack of common sense and right judgment, restlessness, stress and anxiety, lack of self-control and compulsions and later on sometimes addictions or OCDs.

|||CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING PART 2 ||| To know how to find your passion and more.

If you have any questions related to this topic, you can ask me and I will answer your queries.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time to read my blog post.
Have a Good Day!

Anup Thakur

Disclaimer: Post does not mean to hurt or harm any group, person, culture etc. All the content that is written above is a direct knowledge I have obtained through years of Spiritual experience through meditation and other practices including my academic study. All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither I Anup Thakur nor this blog website is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By reading these pieces of advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life! Content is subject to Copyright. © 
I do not own the images used in this post, contact if have any copyright issue.

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