Friday, August 24, 2018

Feeling Low and Sad? Finding your Strength back PART 1/2


Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about an important topic apart from my ongoing series of spirituality and quality of life development. There are times when we all feel low, sad, irritated... for some reasons and sometimes without reasons. It is not necessary that what I am going to talk about is going to relate to everyone's life but, I think we all had such bad and gloomy days and times at least a few times in our life. Sometimes such condition of low mood lasts for a long time and sometimes it happens for a very short time. If you are one of those people having such condition, or you think you are easy to fall a victim of such sad, low or confused conditions very often, then, this post is for you!

"And in this world,
in all those harsh times,
It's about a spirit with a surreal and silly dream,
To fight despair and anguish with nothing but the very heart they stab at...
It's a tale of overcoming...
A tale of chasing hope...
A tale of that spirit who wished everyone's liberation, 
and also wished, it's own salvation.
yet little was known to him that such wishes
are going to have huge miles to cover before fruition. The way to be walked for the fulfilment of such wishes was equally the opposite and harsh in nature in comparison to his good wishes he wished to be fulfilled."
And as he keeps walking the miles, somewhere in the middle of his journey he thinks:
"...and I have also tried everything in my power, but still, these clouds of sorrow, despair and anguish hover over my head, I have tried to keep everyone happy, to be happy, to fulfill my wishes, yet life decides to put me down again.. and again... and again..."

The story of some Lives:

Having dreams to achieve something,
In the hopes to find myself,
I am here, battling myself, raging a war with the world both inside and out,
With a smile as my weapon and unawareness of people as my cover...
I am one of those who are fighting, the unknown, the unseen.

They come to meet me, those people I call true friends...
They hug me, laugh with me and I feel something good about that in this life,
But as soon as they are gone,
I know I have to return back to the battle within, the battle for the self and the battle with the self.

There were many of those sleepless nights,
Some days inspiring the breeze of victory in my senses...
Some days of gloomy disappointments and loss,
and sometimes to loose myself in the thoughts to give up.

But I am proud, Proud to stand again and again every tomorrow,
regardless of the failures I face, 
and the guilt of the condition of my mind which I couldn't change,
destroying all my happiness and relations,
I am Proud that as I fall, I choose to rise again, and again...
Yet alone but still brave like all those who face such times and overcome it someday!

But then, It won't change the fact that I have been losing every fight with my self...
Perhaps I picked up the wrong war, perhaps I am just not ready to face myself...
But what else I can do, apart from returning to my daily life... 
A life of my open smiles, and a life of my inner hidden strife. 

I must say that being a sensitive person, the world is just a harsh place to live in. Everything seems so out of order yet at the same time it is going exactly as it should be due to all the choices that individual humans have made in the past. It's like you know it's wrong but you also know it will always be like this, the eternal conflict of right and wrong.
I don't know how would I have survived this miserable life of despair and anguish without meditation and Spirituality. (Don't think it as related to the religion or God in any manner, click the link to read more about religion and spirituality Click Here.) Wherever I saw, there was a reason to be sad, and to be honest there still are but even after all these sorrows that pierced our heart and times where we just stopped caring about things that matter, one thing was sure to me that if I could do nothing about the problem, it's just not worth being sad so I had to pull myself up from these feelings of hopelessness and sadness because I knew, this pain is never worth holding on.
I found myself broken all the time, not because my life is not good, I have by the grace everything in my life, but because when I see the problems of other beings be it animals or people, the agony and struggle they take to survive, the false beliefs and tendencies of harming, the efforts to look and be happy through false, wrong ways and means of showoff, the battle between people to prove that they are correct, my own expectations and hopes when I see them not fulfilling and things happening differently...and this list continues as it always killed me. I felt bad, due to my own mind, my own disagreement to the reality and my own failures for trying to see positive even in the darkest days which is what truly matters yet again, my sensitivity and deep understanding of emotions that I believed to be my weakness became my strength through meditation.

I did understand that all that rage that burned inside me was eating away my spirit. It felt huge with a terrible pain... But once I opened my eyes, and looked to the sky in utter hopelessness, I realized how small I was in comparison... The world around me was infinite, full of more wonders than I could ever imagine in my life. Looking at the clouds as the golden sunlight shown upon me through them, like a gentle shower that washed all darkness from my heart. It warmed my soul. I was never at this much peace before even though I knew all the causes of my sadness were still going to be around me as always.


Relatable isn't it? Well, we all go through some hard times in our lives. Reasons can be as vast as the possibilities of human engagements are, but, what to do in such cases when we feel sad and low? We fight these negative moods and emotions which are followed by our negative and positive thoughts, either by trying to argue about it in our mind and finding a reasonable solution to the problem, or, perhaps try to find the problem itself somehow and try to eliminate the cause of it. 
But we always seem to have a temporary solution, and the problem returns. It is as if :
"Same problem strikes with different faces."
 But then what to do when we find ourselves trapped in such situations? when we feel low and our mood is just sad for known or God knows what unknown reason?

Easy, Perhaps the most important thing that people miss to notice is that you just can't fight something who knows everything about you, even better than you that is, your Mind. We should work at the root of the most of our problems that is always related to our mind.
So let us dig deep and understand how you can find what causes such sadness and low moments in our lives at some points and how to manage such conditions?

I Am Feeling Sad And Low! The First Step: (Acceptance)

The first step is the acceptance of such a situation. Yes! I have seen many people who have so strongly made their mind in their life such as to keep ignoring problems and keep smiling, focus on positive and good things and life will be good but well guess what? It doesn't get any much better by ignoring or suppressing problems even though focusing on good thoughts and things can shift your attention from the problem for a while, but, we all know the problem, that low mood will come back sooner or later! 
Now the question is How to change this condition? How to be free from senseless mental agony? What can I do to change this situation? At such times we are so lost, that we try to find every possible way to solve the problem, however, from outside only.
Accepting isn't a very relieving part but at least it opens you up to understand that you are suffering and you need a solution so, without ignoring the problem, you can work efficiently to solve the problem. In Science, most of the psychosomatic problems (physical pains or problems with no physical cause) are cured just after finding the root cause and acceptance of the problem itself. 

There was a case I got to through our Psychology teacher, There was a doctor who was a surgeon by occupation. During a large and difficult heart operation, he made a cut on the wrong nerve by mistake which was proved to be fatal for the patient. Due to the clear statement agreement of such operations that in case of death doctors are not to be blamed and are not responsible. Of course, no one was to blame here, even masters fail sometimes, but he told no one that it was his mistake and carelessness that the patient died. So he continued his profession, filled with guilt, he suppressed his emotions, trying to forget it, convincing him it was an accident yet feeling guilty at the same time. Suddenly his hands began to shake during any operation, and later his right hand was paralyzed. No one could find any serious physical cause for the paralysis of his hand. Later when he went to a Psychologist, he was diagnosed with a Psychosomatic disorder. He went through counseling and psychotherapies and it was then he accepted and confronted his mistake. Later his hands were healed after some time. So this is how bad a negative feeling which is ignored or suppressed, not accepted can make you feel. This is the reason why we feel sad and low without any reasons sometimes. Our own suppressed feelings, thoughts and emotions build up inside and unconsciously affect our mood and body.


If you have any questions related to this topic, you can ask me and I will answer your queries.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time to read my blog post.
Have a Good Day!

Anup Thakur

Disclaimer: Post does not mean to hurt or harm any group, person, culture etc. All the content that is written above is a direct knowledge I have obtained through years of Spiritual experience through meditation and other practices including my academic study. All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither I Anup Thakur nor this blog website is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By reading these pieces of advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life! Content is subject to Copyright. © 

I do not own the images used in this post, contact if have any copyright issue.

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